Order of Service – Sunday 17 April 2022 – EASTER

Click the link below to download the Order of Service.


Grace and peace to you from Jesus Christ our Lord.

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, this is the day when our Saviour passed from death to life. In this most holy day we gather with the Church throughout the world in worship and prayer.

This is the Passover of Jesus Christ: Through light and the word, through water and the bread and wine, we recall Christ’s death and resurrection, we share Christ’s triumph over sin and death, and with invincible hope we await Christ’s coming again.

Let us pray: Eternal God, in Jesus Christ You have given the light of life to the entire world. Sanctify this new life, and inflame us with a desire to shine forth with the brightness of Christ’s rising, until we feast at the banquet of eternal light; through Jesus Christ, the Sun of Righteousness. Amen!


The light of Christ rises in glory, overcoming on this most holy night the darkness of sin and death.

The light of Christ.

Thanks be to God.

HYMN:       362      “Jesus Christ is Risen Today


Risen Lord!

Fill our hearts with Easter joy.

Living Lord, at the dawn of the day the earth was shaken by Your life-restoring power. Shake Your Church today by the seismic news . . .

Send us out to tell of Your wonder.

Living Lord, Your resurrection startled guards and friends alike. Shatter the fears that stifle our politics . . .

Breathe new life into our common living.

Living Lord, You make no distinctions between people. Transform the narrowness of our vision and judgement . . .

Meet us and greet us in our journey together.

Living Lord, Your mercy endures for ever. Strengthen and sustain all whose spirits are weak and whose lives are gripped by pain or distress . . .

We will give You thanks for Your great goodness.

Living Lord, confused friends left Your empty tomb in both fear and great joy. We hold before You the sadness of loss and the joy of our hope in You..

Raise us all to share in Your glory.

SONG   –      “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High


Rejoice, heavenly powers! Sing, choirs of angels!

Exult, all creation around God’s throne!

Jesus Christ our King is risen!

Sound the trumpet of salvation!

Rejoice, heavenly powers!

Sing, choirs of angels!

Jesus Christ our King is risen!

Rejoice, O earth, in shining splendour,

Radiant in the brightness of your King!

Christ has conquered! Glory fills you!

Darkness vanishes forever!

Rejoice, heavenly powers!

Sing, choirs of angels!

Jesus Christ our King is risen!

Rejoice, O mother Church! Exult in glory!

The risen Saviour shines upon you!

Let this place resound with joy,

Echoing the mighty song of all God’s people!

Rejoice, heavenly powers!

Sing, choirs of angels!

Jesus Christ our King is risen!


Eternal giver of life and light, this holy night shines with the radiance of the risen Christ. Renew Your Church with the Spirit given to us in baptism, that we may worship You in sincerity and truth, and shine as a light in the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen!



Friends in Christ, let us listen attentively to the word of God, recalling God’s saving deeds throughout history and how, in the fullness of time,

God’s Word became flesh and dwelt among us:

Jesus Christ, our Redeemer!

BIBLE READINGS –                                                                    Ian Butters

Acts 10:34-43 (Page 1089)                                                            John 20:1-18 (Page 1073)

CHOIR:       “Hymn of the Risen Christ”  (An Easter Anthems)

SERMON:             “Good News! He is Alive!”             Krikor Youmshajekian

CHOIR:         “Resurrection Hymn”  (Stuart Townend  & Keith Getty)

NOTICES Mother’s Day Lunch – Sunday 1 May 11:30 am.

– Movie/Pizza Night – Tuesday 3 May 6:30 pm.

Lane Cove Music10 May 7:30 pm LCM Anglican Church.



HYMN:       365       “Christ the Lord is Risen Again


Go in peace to love and serve the Lord in the power of His resurrection.


The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  Amen!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

Alleluia, alleluia! Amen!


To contact Krikor call   0418 417 411

Church Website:  http://www.longueville.unitingchurch.org.au

Church email: standrewsunite@tpg.com.au

Church Office phone: 9427 4740